What To Put In A Household First Aid Kit

By Eric Holm

Every home should have a first aid cabinet stocked with all the basic supplies needed to take care of minor cuts and scrapes immediately after an accident occurs. Household accidents are very common and some people are more prone to injuries than others. Even when people are trying to be careful, accidents can happen at any time. There are several items to include in any first aid kit that can help anyone treat a minor injury and avoid a frantic and unnecessary trip to the nearest medical station.

An assortment of band-aid strips in multiple sizes and shapes should be included in your medical cabinet. There are two types of strips and which you choose will depend on where the injury is located and how severe it is. A plastic strip is thin and flexible and allows freedom of movement when used on a wound over a joint like the knuckle, knee or elbow. This type of bandage will allow movement in the joint and can be left on the injury until it is healed up. Another type of strip is made out of woven fabric and is thicker. Woven strips are suitable for use anywhere on the body but can restrict movement in certain areas.

Gauze pads can be used for larger wounds that occur on the arm, knee or leg areas. Depending on the size of the wound or injury will determine what size gauze pads to use. Of course, before you put on the pad, you will need to put some antibiotic on the affected area. The antibiotic will help the affected area to heal.

All first aid kits should include some kind of specially formulated eye wash. Any time dirt, debris or a foreign object gets into the eyes and makes them water or burn they should be flushed thoroughly with a suitable solution. Once the eye has been cleared of debris it is still a good idea to see a doctor to make sure there has been no physical damage to the eyeball. Sometimes small pieces of debris can scratch the cornea. Invest in a manual that outlines various first aid techniques, so there is something to reference if you are not sure how to treat an injury. A manual that outlines simple emergency procedures will come in handy in an emergency situation because it can help eliminate the feeling of panic that comes along with not knowing what to do.

Having a small first aid cabinet will come in handy for you and the family members that live with you. If they are old enough, they too, need to know what's in the first aid cabinet and should know how to utilize it.

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